Last night James was Mr. Mom, as I had a migraine. The kids asked for hot cocoa, so he decided to make them real hot cocoa on the stove. They all stood around and helped pour the ingredients in the pan. Grace used a stool to climb onto the counter to get the cocoa from the cupboard and apparently Wesley watched her.
Wesley came to me today with cocoa on his pants and hands and said "I didn't do anything" Really? I went into the kitchen and found the lid for the cocoa on the floor and some cocoa spilt on the tile, not too bad though, i vacuumed it up with the dustbuster. The stool was pushed up to the counter and the cupboard open, so that explained how he got it. I asked him where the container was and he answered with a shrug of his shoulders. I looked around the kitchen, but didn't find it, until lunchtime...
This is a picture of the kid drawer. It is filled with kid plates and plastic cups, but also lots of cocoa. Thank you Wesley, that drawer needed to be vacuumed out and washed and all the dishes had been put away dirty, so I was needing to wash them all again anyway ;)
That little man is trouble!!! Happy Monday!