I love seeing others have meaningful friendships. Not just people you call friends and you might see once in awhile or chat with about "surface" stuff, but real true friends who know you in and out, who are willing to pray for you, to come beside you when life gets hard, celebrate with you when life is good and whom you can trust without a doubt.
This is my parents, Bob and Sharon Suiter and their dearest friends, Dan and Kathy Gonzales. These 4 have been friends for years, and by years, I mean 25+...The four of them worked and lived in community together for 15 years at Oak Glen Christian Conference Center, where they became the best of friends. In the past few years many life changes have taken place, but I think of these 4 like Lucy and Ricky and Fred and Ethel :) God has truly blessed them with each other.
Randomly the other other day Dan and Kathy stopped by my house to catch-up with my folks, where I snapped this quick picture. As I was uploading my pictures, I stopped and looked at this one for a long time and thought about all these 4 have been through over the years and was just blessed by the meaning of true friendship. This is picture of true friendship and I have been so blessed to witness what that means over the years. We love each of you and are so thankful you have one another!
Friendship is the icing on life's cake!
Thank God for your friends today!!!
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