Monday Wesley finished up the IV antibiotics and we came home with oral antibiotics for the next week. We have to check up with our Dr the end of this week and do more blood work, but we are home and Wesley is doing much better! Wesley caught a horrible cold in the hospital and all of the other kids have colds too, fevers, coughs, snotty noses you name it, so it's been a great day back at home :) Sick kids or not it's better to be home then at Loma Linda!
Anyway, I thought I'd share pictures from our 6 day stay...sorry the quality isn't the best, as some of them were from my cell phone and the others a point and shoot, better than nothing though.
He wasn't too happy at me taking this one...
The "cribs" are more like cages, and Wesley wanted nothing to do with it until the last day when he thought it was a fun place to play :)
He'a showing whoever is taking this picture his "red sticker" on his finger.
These are pictures from Wesley's "Frog class" at church with a feel better card, So sweet! Thank you Patty for thinking of us. It made my day ;)
Woody was Wesley's partner in crime while we were there. Wesley was scared of the nurses poking him, so any time they cam near he freaked, until he saw they could help Woody feel better too :)
Rachel, Nathan & Sarah came to visit and we got to get out of our room for the first time. We walked to see the fish in the lobby and even went outside to see the fountain. He was one happy boy after seeing his favorite peeps! Thanks for visiting guys, we all adore you!
Tante Henriette & Jacob were visiting us, when we got discharged & it was a good thing because I needed their help to get all our junk to the van. Wesley got his own ride and loved Jacob running with him in the wheelchair :)
As we were leaving Pastor Scott came and prayed with us & walked us to the van. It was a great way to leave the hospital.
Like Wesley's gown?? I had sent home his clothes days ago and forgot to bring some to take him home in, so we took the gown rather than have him go in his undies :)Classy, I know.
It was very sweet when we got home, the kids were all so very excited to see one another. We all just sat together for along time on the couch being together. Wesley showed them his owie & they just snuggled, it was so sweet they missed each other!
I'll post some pictures of his foot soon...Again, can't thank you all enough for surrounding us with love and praying for us through this all. Glad the week is over!
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