Friday, September 2, 2011

Things I love about you...

I've been overcome with gratitude lately at how amazingly good my life is, how blessed I am to have 5 kids, a wonderful husband, great family and reliable friends.
Last weekend, James and I got to get away for 2 nights, just the 2 of us. We slept in, talked for hours, read our books, laid by the pool, ate yummy food, sat in the hot tub and had few drinks. We went to a great wedding and enjoyed the drive both there and home with just some music and conversation.
While lying by the pool and glanced over at my husband of 14 years and my heart was filled with gratitude and my mind filled with thoughts, like a movie reel of our life together. I closed my eyes, not wanting any of those thoughts and pictures to vanish. I jotted them down in the back of my book and wanted to share those of my 6 greatest loves. It's the little things...

Jamesy...You make me laugh, When life is difficult, when life is great, you always make me laugh. Laughter soothes my soul and reminds of what's good in life, please don't ever stop!

Zachary...My sweet boy, I love that your first response in basically every situation is to pray. You remind me that NOTHING is too big or too little to pray about and that God always listens and answers our prayers according to His will. There is little sweeter than to hear you pray.

Gracie...I love when you brush my hair. I so enjoy our quiet conversations, that you're honest & still a little silly. I hope you'll love to brush my hair & chat with me at night years from now.

Hoper...I love when you first wake up, hair all a mess, quackers in hand, thumb in mouth and sleepily say "Mornin Momma, Love you."

Grady...I love that you sing everything. You follow after my heart, because all of life is better with a song. Please don't ever stop singing, even if it's just in the shower.

Wesley...I love your gentle spirit. When you gently rub my face and filled with emotion say "I like you Momma" I want to grab your chubby little hand and hold it there forever!

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