Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Skating fun

My last blog post was pretty intense, so I wanted to share something fun! :)

Our homeschool group is BIG and we get to do so many fun things as a group. Every year we have a skate party celebrating the end of the school year and my kids LOVE it!
I didn't take very many pictures, but we had a blast! The big kids are skating maniacs :) and the little boys did so great! Grady actually figured out how to skate on his own after using the "skating walker"...not sure what it's actually called, but it's pictured with Wesley. Wesley was going around the rink with his walker without any help and was so proud of himself.
With the exception of sore tail bones from a few falls, no-one had any injuries!
All the kids asked if we could go skating again over summer, so we added it to our summer bucket list! :-) Bring on the summer fun!! (Excuse the bad pictures from my phone)

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